How do Transactions differ from Transfers and Collections?

Transfers and collections are types of Transaction that you can initiate through the API. They have dedicated endpoint resources in order for you to follow their lifecycle which is very detailed. On the other side, Transactions allows you to follow all transactions lifecycle even the ones that you did not initiate through the API (incoming transactions, card transactions, etc). Since Transfers and collections are a subset of Transactions, some webhooks will be triggered at the same time (for instance transfer_confirmed and transaction_confirmed) and you can use either.

Is creating a beneficiary or mandate mandatory before initiating transactions?

Creating a beneficiary for transfers or a mandate for collections is not mandatory. When initiating a new transfer or collection, you will provide the counterpart data directly in the initiating endpoint, we will auto-create it and you will be able to see it in the interface. For next transfers/collections, you will continue to provide the counterpart data and we will match it with any beneficiary/mandate that exists in the interface.

How can I reconcile a return with its original transfer or collection?

When you received a return transaction, we will notify you through a transaction_confirmed webhook. Then you will need to get the transaction, check the source type to determine if it is a collection_outgoing_return or transfer_outgoing_return, then use the returned_collection_id / returned_transfer_id field to reconcile with the original ID of your collection/transfer.

How can I differentiate transaction types?

To differentiate transaction types, you can use the type contained in the source object.

What happens if my system is unavailable when Memo Bank sends webhooks?

We will retry each webhook independently 8 times following an exponential backoff. The intervals between retries are: 3 min, 10 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 3 days. After that, we will stop retrying but you will be able to manually trigger a retry through our interface.

When using the instant_if_available strategy, will Memo Bank retry a failed instant transfer as a standard transfer?

No, we will not retry failed instant transfers as standard transfers. However, we recommend you do so. If an instant transfer fails, retrying or using a standard transfer is often the best course of action. instant_if_available will only ensure that we will process your transfer as standard if the counterparty bank does not support instant transfers.

What is the difference between failed and cancelled transaction statuses?

Your transaction will end up in cancelled status when you choose to cancel the transaction either with our API or our interface. In some cases, your transaction could end up in cancelled status as well due to internal processing reasons, but most of the time for processing reasons your transaction will end up in failed status. Both statuses are definitive and if you are not at the origin of the cancellation, you could consider them equivalent in your developments.

Are webhooks triggered for transactions not initiated with the API?

Yes, they are. Webhooks are triggered independently of the channel you choose to use to initiate your transaction.

Can I retrieve the URL of the mandate request signature flow?

No, it is not possible for the moment. As of today, we only support sending the URL to your clients by email.

Is it possible to initiate a payment via API and have it validated by a human on the interface?

No, it is not possible. Our API is designed for automated, human-free transactions at scale.

How can I stay informed about the latest API updates?

We provide a RSS feed that you can subscribe to. It is available at this URL when you click on the Get Updates button at the top of the page.