Initiate a SEPA transfer

POST /v1/transfers

This endpoint allows you to initiate a SEPA transfer from your account.


Body Required

  • amount integer(int64) Required

    Amount of the transfer, in cents.

    Minimum value is 1.

  • currency string Required

    Currency of the amount, in ISO 4217 format.

  • Name of the beneficiary. Will be used to create the beneficiary if one doesn't already exist with the same beneficiary_iban, will be ignored otherwise. If you know the beneficiary exists, you don't need to provide a name here.

  • beneficiary_iban string Required

    IBAN of the beneficiary. Note that when you perform a transfer between your own accounts, you can't use a virtual IBAN.

    Format should match the following pattern: [A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}.

  • local_iban string Required

    Existing IBAN to be used as the source of the transfer. Can be the main IBAN of an account or a virtual IBAN. Note that when you perform a transfer between your own accounts, you can't use a virtual IBAN.

    Format should match the following pattern: [A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}.

  • Determines whether to use an instant transfer (available in a few seconds on the beneficiary account), or a standard transfer (1-3 business days). By default, use an instant transfer if available for the given beneficiary, use a standard transfer otherwise.

    Values are standard_only, instant_only, or instant_if_available. Default value is instant_if_available.

  • message string

    Message attached to this transfer, visible to all involved parties.

  • Internal note attached to this transfer, visible only in your Memo Bank workspace.


  • 200 application/json


    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id string(uuid) Required

      ID of the transfer

    • reference string(uuid) Required

      Unique reference, can be used to correlate with the resulting Transaction.

    • amount integer(int64) Required

      Amount of the transfer, in cents.

    • currency string Required

      Currency of the amount, in ISO 4217 format.

    • local_iban string Required

      IBAN used as a source of the transfer. It can be the main IBAN of an account or a virtual IBAN.

    • account_id string(uuid) Required

      ID of the account this transfer belongs to.

    • beneficiary_name string Required

      Name of the beneficiary.

    • beneficiary_iban string Required

      IBAN of the beneficiary.

    • transfer_type string Required

      Type of the transfer.

      Values are standard or instant.

    • message string

      Message attached to this transfer, visible to all involved parties.

    • Internal note attached to this transfer, visible only in your Memo Bank workspace.

POST /v1/transfers
curl \
 --request POST \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"amount":500,"currency":"EUR","beneficiary_name":"John Doe","beneficiary_iban":"FR2512739000308553756377J95","local_iban":"FR6430003000509825397888D64","type_strategy":"instant_if_available","message":"invoice no12345","internal_note":"phone bill"}'
Request examples
  "amount": 500,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "beneficiary_name": "John Doe",
  "beneficiary_iban": "FR2512739000308553756377J95",
  "local_iban": "FR6430003000509825397888D64",
  "type_strategy": "instant_if_available",
  "message": "invoice no12345",
  "internal_note": "phone bill"
Response examples (200)
  "id": "61b05c4f-3f72-4951-8c30-a2a9faaa5184",
  "reference": "ab004cfc-99fb-4ba9-bc9c-70982f853cb1",
  "amount": 500,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "local_iban": "FR6430003000509825397888D64",
  "account_id": "708683cb-60f6-464a-a62f-be2e339c34aa",
  "beneficiary_name": "John Doe",
  "beneficiary_iban": "FR2512739000308553756377J95",
  "transfer_type": "standard",
  "message": "invoice no12345",
  "internal_note": "phone bill"